N.B.: I changed my first name in 2010, which is why some of the older reviews carry the old name.

Recital, St John's Smith Square, London, March 1999

The choice of programme...at once prepared us for a recital of an artist with genuine musicianship, anticipation which was wholly borne out by the quality of her interpretations and pianism.... Boersch was admirable in (Beethoven's Bagatelles Opus 126), giving each its distinctive character, enhanced by rare phrasing. ... intelligent and expressive projection (William Atwood's Balises) ... fine grasp of the music's individual personalities (Debussy's Préludes).  The crown of the recital, however, was a compelling account of Schubert's C minor Sonata D958 which brought a thoroughly satisfying programme to a memorable conclusion.

Musical Opinion, Spring 1999

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